Why RuralSuper Australia?


Did you know that Australia’s superannuation industry is worth just over $2.7 trillion? 

And currently, only a very small percentage of that is being invested into rural and regional Australia (0.3% in 2015). 

The time has come for a super fund to be established in Australia, for Australia with a focus on our regional communities. We are neither a retail or industry fund – instead we are a COMMUNITY fund, looking after the interests of our members and their community.

As a member, how good would you feel seeing your super help build your community? How rewarding would it feel knowing you are part of something looking ahead, towards the future?

At RuralSuper Australia, we don’t want to see your investment money be continually directed to overseas opportunities. We don’t want you to feel out of touch from your super fund. 

We want you to JOIN the RuralSuper family – and be part of something great!